Friday, April 13, 2012

Irrland with Kiron and Luca

The big adventure park, Irrland, near my mum's has opened again for the season. We met with my older sister, Anke, and her two boys at my mum's - one big family - and trekked over to Irrland for the afternoon. It was a first for the boys, Luca and Kiron.
 Sophie is showing Kiron the mud pit, i.e. heaven!
 Then Kiron discovered the tractors with manure carts attached (how much more German can you get?)  and Sophie joined him for a race.
 Anke and Kiron wobbling on a three-wheeled go cart. They got about thirty feet before Berit took over for Anke. 
 It's much faster on four wheels. Sophie is becoming a pro at these carts.
 Oma and Berit guarding the food.
A trip to Irrland is not complete without a visit to the slides. Here is a glimpse of Andrew and Sophie on the right slide.

 One of my favorite parts was watching the piglets play. But like Andrew said, it must suck to be born a pig in Germany. We could smell the sausage being grilled nearby. 
 Running off the last bits of energy on the Schwabbelmeer (wobble sea)
 Although we had initially planned to take the train back home that night, we changed our minds and stayed another night. More time for play!
Andrew and Luca
 Kiron and Sophie
Dessert while Luca gets to read tonight's story.

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