Tuesday, March 27, 2012

To Schloss Benrath With Two Very Special Visitors

Yesterday evening, we picked up to very special visitors from the airport: Sophie's friend Ciaran and his mother Elly arrived for a three day visit. They are thus our first guests from the U.S.. Since they had flown from the U.S. to England a few days before, their jet lag should not be quite so bad. 

Fortunately, the weather is still helping to show Düsseldorf from its best side, and Sophie and I were excited to show our new home to our friends. After a good night's rest, despite Ciaran refusing to share a room with Sophie, we jumped on the bus to go to Schloss Benrath. 
 Ciaran liked riding on public transport very much.
 Who needs a playground when you can run around on the lawn?
 Both displaying their new favorite t-shirts (thank you, Auntie Sandra!)
 But a playground can't hurt. Or can it? Although this seesaw was the cause for a number of bruises on the kids' shins, it was still a major attraction.
 Monkey swings
 Little princess and her pink palace.
 All different kinds of chocolate ice cream! Heaven.
As it was our next door neighbor's birthday, we all had a good enough reason to open the 2012 BBQ season with a potluck and keg of cold beer. The kids have been playing all across our three lawns in the nice weather - sharing and fighting over toys. Perfect. Loving it.

Here is also Elly's blog link to the Benrath excursion:

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